Provenance-based Intrusion Detection: Opportunities and Challenges


Intrusion detection is an arms race; attackers evade intrusion detection systems by developing new attack vectors to sidestep known defense mechanisms. Provenance provides a detailed, structured history of the interactions of digital objects within a system. It is ideal for intrusion detection, because it offers a holistic, attack-vector-agnostic view of system execution. As such, provenance graph analysis fundamentally strengthens detection robustness. We discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with provenance-based intrusion detection and provide insights based on our experience building such systems.

In 10th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance
Xueyuan Michael Han-Vanbastelaer
Xueyuan Michael Han-Vanbastelaer
Assistant Professor

My research interests include systems security and privacy, data provenance, and graph analysis.
